BNP Documents

We’re working hard on the Bike Network Plan every day! As reports, planning documents, and analyses are published by our team – they will be posted for the public to review below. Stay in the know about Plan updates here.

Final BNP Report

Final BNP Report

Have you read all the BNP documents we’ve posted below? If you haven’t had time (or even if you have!), check out the Draft BNP, which summarizes all of the team’s hard work and our big plans for making San Antonio a world-class biking city! Let us know what you think!

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Implementation Plan

Implementation Plan

You’ve read through all the Bike Network Plan’s reports, taken all the surveys, and looked through all the maps… but now you’re asking – ‘How is the Bike Network Plan going to make all this happen in my community?’ – well, here’s the answer! Combining the recommendations of all the components of the BNP into one unified document, the Implementation Plan is your one-stop-shop for everything the BNP hopes to accomplish from now through 2050!

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Health Impact Assessment Final Report

Health Impact Assessment Final Report

The Health Impact Report assesses the effect that proposed policy changes and new infrastructure implementations could have on the health of San Antonians and the distribution of health-related outcomes around the City.

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Cost Estimation Report

Cost Estimation Report

The Cost Estimation Report provides the high-level cost of each type of bicycle infrastructure included in the Bike Network Plan along with the methodology and assumptions used to determine them.

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Funding Strategy Plan

Funding Strategy Plan

The Funding Strategy Plan describes the various opportunities the City has identified that could provide funds to complete bike infrastructure projects, including state, regional and local programs, and competitive state and federal grants.

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Bike Facility Maintenance Cost Estimation Memorandum

Bike Facility Maintenance Cost Estimation Memorandum

The Bike Facility Maintenance Cost Memo analyzes and estimates the cost of maintaining future bicycle infrastructure using the City’s four current maintenance programs – pavement preservation, debris removal, striping re-application, and vandalism and crash impact maintenance.

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Performance Metrics and Targets Memorandum

Performance Metrics and Targets Memorandum

The Performance Metrics and Targets Memorandum provides 11 data-driven metrics that the City can use to ensure progress toward its goal of developing a comprehensive, connected, and safe bicycle network.

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BNP Policy Actions and Constraints Report

BNP Policy Actions and Constraints Report

The BNP Policy Actions and Constraints Report serves as a general guideline for all levels of government, informing the development of policies that align with the BNP, as well as the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan and Complete Streets Policy. This document reviews current bike and pedestrian policies, identifies gaps, and develops recommendations for policy changes based on relevant existing case studies and peer city experiences. A total of 17 policy recommendations are presented in this document, focusing on roadway safety regulations for cyclists and pedestrians, roadway reallocation, and the deployment of infrastructure.

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Bike Facility Guidelines for Future Amendments

Bike Facility Guidelines for Future Amendments

Rather than a “one-size-fits-all” approach, the Bike Facilities Guidelines for Future Amendments serves as a tool to determine the appropriate bicycle facility based on the broader street context, vehicle volumes and speeds, and the modal needs of a street. The planning, designing, and implementation of bicycle facilities still follows the City’s rigorous process that includes engineering assessment and public engagement

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Community Engagement Report

Community Engagement Report

The Community Engagement Report covers the tools and strategies used during public engagement and summarizes the feedback received through all engagement methods from three phases of engagement spanning 2 years.

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Health Impact Assessment Working Paper #1

Health Impact Assessment Working Paper #1

This Health Impact Assessment (HIA) working paper is the first part of broadening the BNP’s scope by linking transportation and health planning by providing more information about how multimodal investment can benefit or impact the health of San Antonians.

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